Saturday, August 27, 2011
Thank Goodness it's Saturday :-)
Well our first full week of school is complete! I must say it was a super busy day. With it being Saturday I had a ton to do....besides school!
I let myself sleep in(8AM), made breakfast, got everyone dressed, did dishes, got the laundry started, started between subjects I worked on laundry, got the floors swept and mopped, made lunch, finished school, finished laundry, made laundry soap, got 2 kids in the tub, did my workout, got 2 kids out of tub, put laundry away, got my shower, started, dinner, finished eating, 1 girl now in the shower, and I am taking a break before I do the dinner dishes! WHEW!!!
Hopefully we will not need to do school on Saturday's too often ;-)
I did get my clay ordered...supposed to be here on the 6th. I am hoping to start the clay stuff next week with the clay I have. I am sure we will get some done before all the other clay comes ;-)
I have to say this week went a lot better than I was expecting. We were all a tad tired from the routine change( I am sure I was affected the most...COULDN'T be my age) LOL!!! I am hoping tomorrow will be a true Sabbath! I am sure we ALL could use a total day of rest ;-) Although I have trouble just we will see!
We are also going to be having some new friends over Monday evening for a cookout! I am super excited! They were at the home school group picnic...a whole family of adorable red heads :-) The one little boy took a liking to Logan and she has been asking for 2 days for Joshua to come over to play. So I finally got their number, called, and invited them all over. I know how I am so I ASSUMED they would not just drop their kid off at some stranger's house ;-) So I figured it would be great to have everyone over and get to know them. They have a daughter Hunter's age, the boy Logan's age, and I think 1 around Cuckles will definitely get along with her...I think they have a total of could just be 4! I am super excited though...I LOVE having people over ;-) So Monday we will have to hurry and get school done and start getting ready! I am sure I will be posting about that later!
As for our first week....I am pretty pleased so far with my curriculum choices. I am really not happy with the spelling program for Hunter, so I am going to adjust that. I know it is one of her dyslexia issues, so she struggles more with spelling. I also need to figure out some readers for Hunter...the 4th grade readers I got seem a bit too much for her. Right now I have her reading one of her Candy Fairy books. She loves them, but it is the last one of the far :-) I also have her doing some book reports this year, so I need to find extra books for her to read for those :-)
There were also a few odds and ends I didn't I thought I was all prepared :-) So I had to go out to Wally World and get those this week. I am hoping Allan will help me later today or tomorrow to get it all put up :-)
Besides the little stuff it was a VERY successful first week of school! I am glad I don't have to do it tomorrow, but I am excited for next week...and the whole year!
OH...SUPER EXCITING! As some of you know Hunter is considered Severe Dyslexic...she struggles a lot with reading, spelling and math. All summer we worked SOOOO hard on all her math facts...addition, subtraction, and multiplication. She was supposed to start division this year...but I decided to take her back to the beginning and get her really good on her math facts! (after all summer of drilling her with flashcards (which I found is horrible for dyslexics) we didn't do them for 1 week and she forgot them ALL) SOOOO frustrating for me and discouraging for her....she worked SO hard! So I was going to do an accelerated course on addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Using of course my math curriculum correctly (as I found I didn't use it correctly the first time). Well I was a bit discouraged that it was not going as fast as I was hoping...I had it mapped out to do 3 lessons a day to get through all 3 books this school year...but I finally had to talk to myself (yes I do that sometimes) and realize that she really needs to get these math facts down So I need to give her the time she needs....once it clicks it will go smoother...and if need be we will get through the other book over the summer :-)
So anyways....she got up to the +2's pretty quickly, then we stalled...she just couldn't grasp I had her watch the DVD of the guy talking, then we did it just like he did. After 2 days of practicing, she knows her +2's! SUPER excited...if you knew how much she has been struggling just with the +2's, then seeing her accomplish it and seeing the look of pride in her was WONDERFUL! I can see that she really gets it makes me SOOOO happy and just confirms that I am doing what God wants me to be doing....If you have a kid with a learning disability and have experienced this...I know you know how I am feeling...ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!! Praise God!!!
Well our first full week of school is complete! I must say it was a super busy day. With it being Saturday I had a ton to do....besides school!
I let myself sleep in(8AM), made breakfast, got everyone dressed, did dishes, got the laundry started, started between subjects I worked on laundry, got the floors swept and mopped, made lunch, finished school, finished laundry, made laundry soap, got 2 kids in the tub, did my workout, got 2 kids out of tub, put laundry away, got my shower, started, dinner, finished eating, 1 girl now in the shower, and I am taking a break before I do the dinner dishes! WHEW!!!
Hopefully we will not need to do school on Saturday's too often ;-)
I did get my clay ordered...supposed to be here on the 6th. I am hoping to start the clay stuff next week with the clay I have. I am sure we will get some done before all the other clay comes ;-)
I have to say this week went a lot better than I was expecting. We were all a tad tired from the routine change( I am sure I was affected the most...COULDN'T be my age) LOL!!! I am hoping tomorrow will be a true Sabbath! I am sure we ALL could use a total day of rest ;-) Although I have trouble just we will see!
We are also going to be having some new friends over Monday evening for a cookout! I am super excited! They were at the home school group picnic...a whole family of adorable red heads :-) The one little boy took a liking to Logan and she has been asking for 2 days for Joshua to come over to play. So I finally got their number, called, and invited them all over. I know how I am so I ASSUMED they would not just drop their kid off at some stranger's house ;-) So I figured it would be great to have everyone over and get to know them. They have a daughter Hunter's age, the boy Logan's age, and I think 1 around Cuckles will definitely get along with her...I think they have a total of could just be 4! I am super excited though...I LOVE having people over ;-) So Monday we will have to hurry and get school done and start getting ready! I am sure I will be posting about that later!
As for our first week....I am pretty pleased so far with my curriculum choices. I am really not happy with the spelling program for Hunter, so I am going to adjust that. I know it is one of her dyslexia issues, so she struggles more with spelling. I also need to figure out some readers for Hunter...the 4th grade readers I got seem a bit too much for her. Right now I have her reading one of her Candy Fairy books. She loves them, but it is the last one of the far :-) I also have her doing some book reports this year, so I need to find extra books for her to read for those :-)
There were also a few odds and ends I didn't I thought I was all prepared :-) So I had to go out to Wally World and get those this week. I am hoping Allan will help me later today or tomorrow to get it all put up :-)
Besides the little stuff it was a VERY successful first week of school! I am glad I don't have to do it tomorrow, but I am excited for next week...and the whole year!
OH...SUPER EXCITING! As some of you know Hunter is considered Severe Dyslexic...she struggles a lot with reading, spelling and math. All summer we worked SOOOO hard on all her math facts...addition, subtraction, and multiplication. She was supposed to start division this year...but I decided to take her back to the beginning and get her really good on her math facts! (after all summer of drilling her with flashcards (which I found is horrible for dyslexics) we didn't do them for 1 week and she forgot them ALL) SOOOO frustrating for me and discouraging for her....she worked SO hard! So I was going to do an accelerated course on addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Using of course my math curriculum correctly (as I found I didn't use it correctly the first time). Well I was a bit discouraged that it was not going as fast as I was hoping...I had it mapped out to do 3 lessons a day to get through all 3 books this school year...but I finally had to talk to myself (yes I do that sometimes) and realize that she really needs to get these math facts down So I need to give her the time she needs....once it clicks it will go smoother...and if need be we will get through the other book over the summer :-)
So anyways....she got up to the +2's pretty quickly, then we stalled...she just couldn't grasp I had her watch the DVD of the guy talking, then we did it just like he did. After 2 days of practicing, she knows her +2's! SUPER excited...if you knew how much she has been struggling just with the +2's, then seeing her accomplish it and seeing the look of pride in her was WONDERFUL! I can see that she really gets it makes me SOOOO happy and just confirms that I am doing what God wants me to be doing....If you have a kid with a learning disability and have experienced this...I know you know how I am feeling...ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!! Praise God!!!
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About Me

- Diana Onderick
- I am a daughter of The Most High, wife, and homeschooling mom.
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