Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.
Monday, September 5, 2011


Well I am not sure about all of you other home schoolers, but I don't usually take off the little holidays!  But today we did not do school!

Allan worked all weekend, and decided to stay home today, so I figured I would take the day off!

I slept in, didn't do my workout...and we just sluffed around all day :-)

I did my workout at 2:30 this afternoon!  Now after a full week of not doing my yoga workout it totally kicked my tush today!  My arms are still shaking at 5PM!  I got a shower then decided to make gluten free chocolate chip cookies and make a hot chocolate tea party for the girls :-)  It was a lot of fun I must say!

Now we are all playing wii sports and having a blast!  I must say if the holiday off is always like this I might just keep taking them off ;-)  We would still finish school the same time as the school system...but I like to be done by Hunter's birthday May 17th.  So we will see how the rest of the school year goes! 

Although I could make up the school day on Saturday!  LOL!!!  My OCD is kicking in full gear!


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Diana Onderick
I am a daughter of The Most High, wife, and homeschooling mom.
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