Wednesday, November 30, 2011's been a LONG time!
Well I am not sure if anyone is following this anymore. I probably would have given up by now if it were me :-) Things have been just SUPER crazy in our lives lately. As most of you know we just moved across country....from South Dakota to Michigan. We are WAY closer to family now which is a great blessing. We were able to go home for Thanksgiving last week. 5 1/2 hours is much more doable than 16 1/2 :-)
The week and a half after we moved (up until Thanksgiving) we were only doing half days of school. It was a big adjustment for the girls and a VERY sad experience. We lived in South Dakota for 3 years, and we made WONDERFUL friends there. The girls are 7, 8, and 9, so they had also made some very close friends. It was a really rough move for all of us. So I tried to make the adjustment as smoothly as I could. I figured doing half days would not stress them out too much, but also keep us in some sort of routine. Also we were a bit ahead in school, and some subjects more than others, so it worked out nicely.
We are unpacked and settled as much as we can I think. I still need to cross a few things off my list...find the board of education and register my girls for home schooling, get new driver's license, license plates....all that fun stuff :-( With only 1 car it makes it hard for me to do "running around" while Allan is at work....but we will adjust!
With Christmas quickly approaching it is getting stressful. We just had the youngest 2 birthday's last week...and I never got them a present :-( MAJOR GUILT AS A MOM!!! Now trying to Christmas Shop in an area you don't know...and without a car...and with the kids with you 24/7 makes it a lot harder. I have been doing a lot of shopping online, but you just can't do it all least I can't :-) I must say I am about 75% done with my that is good...I hope :-)
So I am finding as I meet people I am getting the whole "so how long are you going to home school?", "the schools here are great, aren't you going to put them in school?", "are you going to home school ALL the way through High School?". I am finding with all these questions I am starting to doubt my home schooling decision. I start wanting to "fit in" and be the "normal" mom who sends her kids to school and goes to work. ( I was going to say sits around all day eating bon bon's ). So as I started full days of school this week I have all these doubts going around in my head.
Today I came across this verse in my devotional. (God ALWAYS confirms me home schooling whenever I doubt)
Romans 12:2 (Phillips)
Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves toward the goal of true maturity.
WOW...smack in the head! I love when God does that for me :-) Everything I have been struggling with the past week or so...God took care of in 1 small verse! I think this is one I am going to have to memorize.
Now total confession time....(not excuses) I have been HORRIBLE with my devotions and bible time since I started packing for our about a month or 2. I have just been struggling emotionally and physically with all the stresses of moving. You would think by now I would know better and KEEP in my bible during these stressful times. But when time gets stretched it seems that my time with God is the first thing to get squeezed out...WHY IS THAT??? Am I the only one? I feel HORRIBLE.
I just got a new devotional book Fresh Grounded Faith. It is a small daily devotional. A quick reading (2 small pages) and a verse and then an area to write a few things you got out of it, a prayer, and a praise. Now I am only on day 3, but I feel SOOOO much better. I know it is a short devotion and I owe God WAY much more time than this, but I have found over the last day or 2 that I am reading extra in my bible throughout the day, and listening to worship music. It has made all the difference.
All the doubt and worries of home schooling are gone (for now...Satan knows it is a foothold for me). It has been an AWESOME week. The girls are doing awesome with school...despite their disability! I am REALLY needing to start all the dyslexia stuff. I keep making excuses as to why I haven't yet! I also REALLY need to get hooked into a home school group. The one I found is on break for the holiday's, but I need to register now so after the holiday's we will be all set to go. Also, we are still looking for a church. We tried 1 and really liked it, so we will go there again this Sunday. I think once I get to meeting people things will get better.
We are all really struggling with this move. We had some really great, wonderful friends in South Dakota which has made this move SUPER hard. Also we had a GREAT church family. So it will be hard to find a church to stand up to the standards we are used to :-) I know God has a wonderful plan for our family...I am just trying to trust in Him daily....some days are easier than others I must say!
Hopefully I will also be much better with updating my blog. Like I said things have been SUPER crazy! I am praying after Christmas and New Year's things will get into a "normal" routine :-)
The week and a half after we moved (up until Thanksgiving) we were only doing half days of school. It was a big adjustment for the girls and a VERY sad experience. We lived in South Dakota for 3 years, and we made WONDERFUL friends there. The girls are 7, 8, and 9, so they had also made some very close friends. It was a really rough move for all of us. So I tried to make the adjustment as smoothly as I could. I figured doing half days would not stress them out too much, but also keep us in some sort of routine. Also we were a bit ahead in school, and some subjects more than others, so it worked out nicely.
We are unpacked and settled as much as we can I think. I still need to cross a few things off my list...find the board of education and register my girls for home schooling, get new driver's license, license plates....all that fun stuff :-( With only 1 car it makes it hard for me to do "running around" while Allan is at work....but we will adjust!
With Christmas quickly approaching it is getting stressful. We just had the youngest 2 birthday's last week...and I never got them a present :-( MAJOR GUILT AS A MOM!!! Now trying to Christmas Shop in an area you don't know...and without a car...and with the kids with you 24/7 makes it a lot harder. I have been doing a lot of shopping online, but you just can't do it all least I can't :-) I must say I am about 75% done with my that is good...I hope :-)
So I am finding as I meet people I am getting the whole "so how long are you going to home school?", "the schools here are great, aren't you going to put them in school?", "are you going to home school ALL the way through High School?". I am finding with all these questions I am starting to doubt my home schooling decision. I start wanting to "fit in" and be the "normal" mom who sends her kids to school and goes to work. ( I was going to say sits around all day eating bon bon's ). So as I started full days of school this week I have all these doubts going around in my head.
Today I came across this verse in my devotional. (God ALWAYS confirms me home schooling whenever I doubt)
Romans 12:2 (Phillips)
Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves toward the goal of true maturity.
WOW...smack in the head! I love when God does that for me :-) Everything I have been struggling with the past week or so...God took care of in 1 small verse! I think this is one I am going to have to memorize.
Now total confession time....(not excuses) I have been HORRIBLE with my devotions and bible time since I started packing for our about a month or 2. I have just been struggling emotionally and physically with all the stresses of moving. You would think by now I would know better and KEEP in my bible during these stressful times. But when time gets stretched it seems that my time with God is the first thing to get squeezed out...WHY IS THAT??? Am I the only one? I feel HORRIBLE.
I just got a new devotional book Fresh Grounded Faith. It is a small daily devotional. A quick reading (2 small pages) and a verse and then an area to write a few things you got out of it, a prayer, and a praise. Now I am only on day 3, but I feel SOOOO much better. I know it is a short devotion and I owe God WAY much more time than this, but I have found over the last day or 2 that I am reading extra in my bible throughout the day, and listening to worship music. It has made all the difference.
All the doubt and worries of home schooling are gone (for now...Satan knows it is a foothold for me). It has been an AWESOME week. The girls are doing awesome with school...despite their disability! I am REALLY needing to start all the dyslexia stuff. I keep making excuses as to why I haven't yet! I also REALLY need to get hooked into a home school group. The one I found is on break for the holiday's, but I need to register now so after the holiday's we will be all set to go. Also, we are still looking for a church. We tried 1 and really liked it, so we will go there again this Sunday. I think once I get to meeting people things will get better.
We are all really struggling with this move. We had some really great, wonderful friends in South Dakota which has made this move SUPER hard. Also we had a GREAT church family. So it will be hard to find a church to stand up to the standards we are used to :-) I know God has a wonderful plan for our family...I am just trying to trust in Him daily....some days are easier than others I must say!
Hopefully I will also be much better with updating my blog. Like I said things have been SUPER crazy! I am praying after Christmas and New Year's things will get into a "normal" routine :-)
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About Me

- Diana Onderick
- I am a daughter of The Most High, wife, and homeschooling mom.