Saturday, September 17, 2011
Another week down!
Well we made it through another week! All my attempts to start the clay failed! I found many excuses and "reasons" and distractions this week to put it off another week! I know I am TERRIBLE! Although I am DETERMINED to get it started this coming week ;-)
We had a great week though...besides the guilt of not starting the dyslexia stuff :-) School got done daily with very little resistance, we had time to play with new friends, I FINALLY made my doctor appointment (under duress!). So it was a good week! except for the dr. appointment.
Nothing against doctors...I just don't like them, and I don't like going. They never listen to me and they WEIGH me! I mean really how necessary is that? But as some of you know I have some "health" issues related with my "female" stuff! Since Cuckles is almost 7...I figured it was time to go! I also asked for bloodwork to be done. Everything came back normal except my cholesterol was high (Thanks Grandma)...but my cholesterol is ALWAYS good cholesterol is so high, it is never an issue...and is not this time! But also my bilirubin level was high. I can't remember the number she told me, but I am ASSUMING it is not high enough to be a big issue...since she didn't say I had to come in or anything. But those of you who know me and my "thinking" (thanks mom) I am major stressed over it. I had bloodwork done a month and a half ago and my bilirubin level was I am not sure why it is elevated....the nurse said it could be due to some of the sinus issues I am having, it could be because I forgot during my fast and took my tylenol pm, could be lower water intake due to the cold weather (I ALWAYS drink less water when it is cold out...and more coffee) But I did no coffee, but I didn't drink a lot of water! Who knows? I am going to call Monday and ask if I can get the number of the level and see if there is anything that might be the cause. I am also going to take a liver detox tea for a month....and GET BACK ON MY DIET!!!
I know it is sad...but the past 2 weeks I have been TOTALLY off my diet :-( Starting tomorrow I am getting back on it full force :-) Although it might make a crabby school week :-)
Also my disappointment with my doctor appointment....I HATE TAKING MEDICATION! Those who know me well know I have some MAJOR pms issues since I had my tubes tied. So they are trying a birth control pill to try to regulate my emotions and pain during that time...although I have to take a pill EVERY DAY! YUCK!!! I told her I would try it for 2 months (that is what she gave me samples for) and if it didn't help by then I was not going to take it anymore. She thought I would notice a difference within 2 we will see! If it does help me during that time (2 weeks for me) I think everyone in this house will appreciate it will be worth it if it does help.
I sense my babbling taking over since none of this really has anything to do with my homeschooling :-)
On the home schooling note...I took the girls to the library yesterday to find some reading books for Hunter...she is in 4th grade, but with her dyslexia I was told to not use the 4th grade readers with her, but to go down a grade level or 2 until we can get her caught up. So I was looking at some books...I got a Spiderwick Book (suggested by my sister) which we started yesterday. It is a 4th grade level book, but she is doing rather well with it....although she does struggle a bit. I also got a younger Nancy Drew is a mid 3rd grade level. So we will read that one after this next week! I am anxious to see how it goes....if there are any other suggestions please let me know :-) She LOVES the Candy Fairy books, but she has read them all except the new one...which is a halloween story, so I was trying to wait till mid October to read that...and October is her book report, so I was going to have her use the Candy Fairy book for that :-)
Well that was our week! Hunter is spending the night at a friends house and we are FREELAXING at home with a houseful of "fwaps" (wasps)! We have called the house manager and are waiting for the maintenance guy...Allan has killed about 50 within 2 days now, and was stung 3 times. Cuckles has an allergy to stings and her epi-pen is expired (and they won't refill without a doctor visit) So I am praying she does not get stung...with the freeze the other night they are rather slow...but you never know when you will come across a feisty one!
Well off to get the girls out of the tub! Then an evening of Star Trek....lucky me!!!
We had a great week though...besides the guilt of not starting the dyslexia stuff :-) School got done daily with very little resistance, we had time to play with new friends, I FINALLY made my doctor appointment (under duress!). So it was a good week! except for the dr. appointment.
Nothing against doctors...I just don't like them, and I don't like going. They never listen to me and they WEIGH me! I mean really how necessary is that? But as some of you know I have some "health" issues related with my "female" stuff! Since Cuckles is almost 7...I figured it was time to go! I also asked for bloodwork to be done. Everything came back normal except my cholesterol was high (Thanks Grandma)...but my cholesterol is ALWAYS good cholesterol is so high, it is never an issue...and is not this time! But also my bilirubin level was high. I can't remember the number she told me, but I am ASSUMING it is not high enough to be a big issue...since she didn't say I had to come in or anything. But those of you who know me and my "thinking" (thanks mom) I am major stressed over it. I had bloodwork done a month and a half ago and my bilirubin level was I am not sure why it is elevated....the nurse said it could be due to some of the sinus issues I am having, it could be because I forgot during my fast and took my tylenol pm, could be lower water intake due to the cold weather (I ALWAYS drink less water when it is cold out...and more coffee) But I did no coffee, but I didn't drink a lot of water! Who knows? I am going to call Monday and ask if I can get the number of the level and see if there is anything that might be the cause. I am also going to take a liver detox tea for a month....and GET BACK ON MY DIET!!!
I know it is sad...but the past 2 weeks I have been TOTALLY off my diet :-( Starting tomorrow I am getting back on it full force :-) Although it might make a crabby school week :-)
Also my disappointment with my doctor appointment....I HATE TAKING MEDICATION! Those who know me well know I have some MAJOR pms issues since I had my tubes tied. So they are trying a birth control pill to try to regulate my emotions and pain during that time...although I have to take a pill EVERY DAY! YUCK!!! I told her I would try it for 2 months (that is what she gave me samples for) and if it didn't help by then I was not going to take it anymore. She thought I would notice a difference within 2 we will see! If it does help me during that time (2 weeks for me) I think everyone in this house will appreciate it will be worth it if it does help.
I sense my babbling taking over since none of this really has anything to do with my homeschooling :-)
On the home schooling note...I took the girls to the library yesterday to find some reading books for Hunter...she is in 4th grade, but with her dyslexia I was told to not use the 4th grade readers with her, but to go down a grade level or 2 until we can get her caught up. So I was looking at some books...I got a Spiderwick Book (suggested by my sister) which we started yesterday. It is a 4th grade level book, but she is doing rather well with it....although she does struggle a bit. I also got a younger Nancy Drew is a mid 3rd grade level. So we will read that one after this next week! I am anxious to see how it goes....if there are any other suggestions please let me know :-) She LOVES the Candy Fairy books, but she has read them all except the new one...which is a halloween story, so I was trying to wait till mid October to read that...and October is her book report, so I was going to have her use the Candy Fairy book for that :-)
Well that was our week! Hunter is spending the night at a friends house and we are FREELAXING at home with a houseful of "fwaps" (wasps)! We have called the house manager and are waiting for the maintenance guy...Allan has killed about 50 within 2 days now, and was stung 3 times. Cuckles has an allergy to stings and her epi-pen is expired (and they won't refill without a doctor visit) So I am praying she does not get stung...with the freeze the other night they are rather slow...but you never know when you will come across a feisty one!
Well off to get the girls out of the tub! Then an evening of Star Trek....lucky me!!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
What a week!
2 Timothy 1:7-11
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
So you must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don't be ashamed of me, either, even though I'm in prison for Christ. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the proclamation of the Good News.
It is God who saved us and chose us to live a holy life. He did this not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan long before the world began-to show his love and kindness to us through Christ Jesus.
And now he has made all of this plain to us by the coming of Christ Jesus, our Savior, who broke the power of death and showed us the way to everlasting life through the Good News.
And God chose me to be a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher of this Good News.
While "thinking" in bed last night this verse kept popping into my first thing this morning I got up and looked it up :-)
I have really been struggling with the dyslexia stuff. I just have been procrastinating for WEEKS! It is so sad to admit, but it is true :-( The main reason I have been putting it off is due to fear. I am afraid I cannot do it....or do it properly. I am afraid I am not equipped enough to help them, that I will do more damage than good. Partly, also, I totally do not understand this way of frustrates me! But Allan said something to me last night that really made sense (don't tell him I said that). "If you get frustrated because you don't think like they do, then you can understand how frustrated they are, because they don't think like you do!" DUH!!! LOL! But it would definitely be EASIER for me to pay the lady to have her do it :-) Then I wouldn't have to face my fears...sounds good to me :-)
What I have learned (the hard way of course) is that God usually doesn't call me to do the easy stuff! LOL!!!
Lucky for me I have the promise of Matthew 6:33 and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
So you must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don't be ashamed of me, either, even though I'm in prison for Christ. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the proclamation of the Good News.
It is God who saved us and chose us to live a holy life. He did this not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan long before the world began-to show his love and kindness to us through Christ Jesus.
And now he has made all of this plain to us by the coming of Christ Jesus, our Savior, who broke the power of death and showed us the way to everlasting life through the Good News.
And God chose me to be a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher of this Good News.
While "thinking" in bed last night this verse kept popping into my first thing this morning I got up and looked it up :-)
I have really been struggling with the dyslexia stuff. I just have been procrastinating for WEEKS! It is so sad to admit, but it is true :-( The main reason I have been putting it off is due to fear. I am afraid I cannot do it....or do it properly. I am afraid I am not equipped enough to help them, that I will do more damage than good. Partly, also, I totally do not understand this way of frustrates me! But Allan said something to me last night that really made sense (don't tell him I said that). "If you get frustrated because you don't think like they do, then you can understand how frustrated they are, because they don't think like you do!" DUH!!! LOL! But it would definitely be EASIER for me to pay the lady to have her do it :-) Then I wouldn't have to face my fears...sounds good to me :-)
What I have learned (the hard way of course) is that God usually doesn't call me to do the easy stuff! LOL!!!
Lucky for me I have the promise of Matthew 6:33 and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Well I am not sure about all of you other home schoolers, but I don't usually take off the little holidays! But today we did not do school!
Allan worked all weekend, and decided to stay home today, so I figured I would take the day off!
I slept in, didn't do my workout...and we just sluffed around all day :-)
I did my workout at 2:30 this afternoon! Now after a full week of not doing my yoga workout it totally kicked my tush today! My arms are still shaking at 5PM! I got a shower then decided to make gluten free chocolate chip cookies and make a hot chocolate tea party for the girls :-) It was a lot of fun I must say!
Now we are all playing wii sports and having a blast! I must say if the holiday off is always like this I might just keep taking them off ;-) We would still finish school the same time as the school system...but I like to be done by Hunter's birthday May 17th. So we will see how the rest of the school year goes!
Although I could make up the school day on Saturday! LOL!!! My OCD is kicking in full gear!
Allan worked all weekend, and decided to stay home today, so I figured I would take the day off!
I slept in, didn't do my workout...and we just sluffed around all day :-)
I did my workout at 2:30 this afternoon! Now after a full week of not doing my yoga workout it totally kicked my tush today! My arms are still shaking at 5PM! I got a shower then decided to make gluten free chocolate chip cookies and make a hot chocolate tea party for the girls :-) It was a lot of fun I must say!
Now we are all playing wii sports and having a blast! I must say if the holiday off is always like this I might just keep taking them off ;-) We would still finish school the same time as the school system...but I like to be done by Hunter's birthday May 17th. So we will see how the rest of the school year goes!
Although I could make up the school day on Saturday! LOL!!! My OCD is kicking in full gear!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Lets just call it an "off" WEEK!
HA HA HA! Well TGIF is all I can say :-)
School has gone really well this week I must say. My routine and some of our attitudes have been a TAD off ;-)
Logan has had some MAJOR behavioral issues this week. Not quite sure if it is her diet, or just the routine/schedule change. She is my one that does really well with a set schedule. But I think the transition from our summer schedule to our school schedule has really messed with her. I am going to give it another week before I rearrange her diet again. The gluten free has really helped her, but I think maybe she needs a bit more protein in her diet.
I also have had some attitude issues (I know that is a shock to some of you...but sadly I am not perfect). I know the majority of them have been hormonal...but that is no excuse for my behavior. I know some of you know the severity of my pms problems. I have been considering doing all year round school and only doing school 3 weeks out of a month, so I don't have to stress so much during my "bad" week! I am a not quite sold on that idea yet, as it would cause issues with holiday schedules and traveling schedules. It is an option I am considering though....also Allan has been BUGGING me to go to the doctor...those who know me know I HATE DOCTORS!!! LOL....although the past few months have been really rough, so I am considering that also ;-) My argument with that though...we just had blood work done for life insurance and I came back "super preferred" so I should be fine right? HA HA HA
So the past 3 days I have slept in and not done my workout :-( SUPER SAD! But I am just really dragging, so I figured 3 days is not going to kill me right? If I keep posting that I am missing my workouts I will need someone to come over and kick my rear in gear :-) I did my online devotionals today, but not my personal bible time...which I NEED to do. I do better doing it first thing in the morning, but anytime is better than not doing it at I am going to do that on our next school break!
I am really glad it is Friday :-) I also am hoping this weekend to get the girls started with their clay. I keep procrastinating with it...I think out of fear :-( I know once I get started on it, it will be fine! So prayers in this area are greatly appreciated!
The weather is AWESOME today...a perfect Autumn day :-) So I have a roast in the crock pot with carrots and potatoes for that makes my day MUCH easier....and hopefully I can get the girls to the Children's Museum this afternoon!
School has gone really well this week I must say. My routine and some of our attitudes have been a TAD off ;-)
Logan has had some MAJOR behavioral issues this week. Not quite sure if it is her diet, or just the routine/schedule change. She is my one that does really well with a set schedule. But I think the transition from our summer schedule to our school schedule has really messed with her. I am going to give it another week before I rearrange her diet again. The gluten free has really helped her, but I think maybe she needs a bit more protein in her diet.
I also have had some attitude issues (I know that is a shock to some of you...but sadly I am not perfect). I know the majority of them have been hormonal...but that is no excuse for my behavior. I know some of you know the severity of my pms problems. I have been considering doing all year round school and only doing school 3 weeks out of a month, so I don't have to stress so much during my "bad" week! I am a not quite sold on that idea yet, as it would cause issues with holiday schedules and traveling schedules. It is an option I am considering though....also Allan has been BUGGING me to go to the doctor...those who know me know I HATE DOCTORS!!! LOL....although the past few months have been really rough, so I am considering that also ;-) My argument with that though...we just had blood work done for life insurance and I came back "super preferred" so I should be fine right? HA HA HA
So the past 3 days I have slept in and not done my workout :-( SUPER SAD! But I am just really dragging, so I figured 3 days is not going to kill me right? If I keep posting that I am missing my workouts I will need someone to come over and kick my rear in gear :-) I did my online devotionals today, but not my personal bible time...which I NEED to do. I do better doing it first thing in the morning, but anytime is better than not doing it at I am going to do that on our next school break!
I am really glad it is Friday :-) I also am hoping this weekend to get the girls started with their clay. I keep procrastinating with it...I think out of fear :-( I know once I get started on it, it will be fine! So prayers in this area are greatly appreciated!
The weather is AWESOME today...a perfect Autumn day :-) So I have a roast in the crock pot with carrots and potatoes for that makes my day MUCH easier....and hopefully I can get the girls to the Children's Museum this afternoon!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
A Few "OFF" Days
The past few days have not gone well around here! Not really with school...we have gotten all our school done in fine time. MY schedule on the other hand has not bee going well at all. Also SOMEONE has been struggling with her attitude and behavior. (well that specific someone I was talking about was Logan, but I think I have been struggling with that myself)
My "normal" school week schedule is I get up at my workout, read my bible, get a shower, make breakfast, clean up breakfast, then start school by 9. Well yesterday I woke up not feeling well, so I went back to bed. Didn't do my workout and embarrassed to say didn't read my bible :-( I got up and laid on the couch while the girls finished a movie, then I had the girls get their own breakfast :-( I don't think we started school until 10!!! But we did get it all done! That is one good thing about home schooling....we can always make it work.
Today I woke up again....not feeling well :-( So I didn't do my workout...but I am hoping to get it in this afternoon! I did read my bible though :-) I am sitting here writing while having the girls make their own breakfast again :-( One good thing about your kids getting older is the independence they learn! Cuckles is still in bed, but I am hoping to start school a little early with the other 2!
Logan has also been a bit "off" the past few days. We had friends over for a cookout Monday and had some potato chips (which I ASSUMED were gluten free...due to knowing that brand having gluten free chips) So late Monday night Logan had a MAJOR emotional/behavioral breakdown. It just breaks my heart to see her that way. Not thinking it was the chips we had the rest of the chips Tuesday night with dinner! After another evening of breakdowns I thought...what has she had both nights to do this to her. The only thing I could think of was the chips. So I am ASSUMING it was that...I already threw the bag away to check the ingredients...I figured I could go online and look it up...but I haven't done that yet!
Also this week we got a bit of irritating news. Without getting TOO into it...and some of you know....but we are having a few issues where we rent. Hunter has been suffering recently with asthma. After finding a bunch of mold in the house I am ASSUMING that is what is causing her asthma. I have asked for the mold to be taken care of and the air ducts to be cleaned before winter. I was answered with a NO and if we are not happy we can move out....without breaking our lease. what? We are trying to figure out the best option for us at this we spend our own money to fix the issues on a house that is not ours? Do we find a new place to rent...which is hard at this time in a college town...and who knows what conditions we would get with a new landlord. Or do we buy? So all these decisions add stress to an already rough week.
But this is all LIFE right? Everyone has upsetting things happen...everybody has "off" weeks...everybody misses reading their bible sometimes (I hope)....right? I know God will help us through all these things (even if I missed a day reading the bible..I hope)! I know with this house situation it is in God's hands. Allan and I both are following what we feel God is leading us toward and so far the doors are opening....but we are staying aware that at any time a door can be closed! That is what following God is right? Our schooling is in God's hands. I have seen AMAZING things the past few weeks with my girls and their dyslexia....I have seen light bulbs go off, I have seen struggles...I have been discouraged that it is going to take longer than I expected....but they are learning, and they are moving forward and that is what it is all about right?
So even though it has been an "off" week and we have had some "rough" has been an AWESOME week! I have seen God move in so many different ways this week...and the week is not over yet ;-) And even if God closes a door...He will take care of us!
PS....I got my clay yesterday....SUPER excited!
My "normal" school week schedule is I get up at my workout, read my bible, get a shower, make breakfast, clean up breakfast, then start school by 9. Well yesterday I woke up not feeling well, so I went back to bed. Didn't do my workout and embarrassed to say didn't read my bible :-( I got up and laid on the couch while the girls finished a movie, then I had the girls get their own breakfast :-( I don't think we started school until 10!!! But we did get it all done! That is one good thing about home schooling....we can always make it work.
Today I woke up again....not feeling well :-( So I didn't do my workout...but I am hoping to get it in this afternoon! I did read my bible though :-) I am sitting here writing while having the girls make their own breakfast again :-( One good thing about your kids getting older is the independence they learn! Cuckles is still in bed, but I am hoping to start school a little early with the other 2!
Logan has also been a bit "off" the past few days. We had friends over for a cookout Monday and had some potato chips (which I ASSUMED were gluten free...due to knowing that brand having gluten free chips) So late Monday night Logan had a MAJOR emotional/behavioral breakdown. It just breaks my heart to see her that way. Not thinking it was the chips we had the rest of the chips Tuesday night with dinner! After another evening of breakdowns I thought...what has she had both nights to do this to her. The only thing I could think of was the chips. So I am ASSUMING it was that...I already threw the bag away to check the ingredients...I figured I could go online and look it up...but I haven't done that yet!
Also this week we got a bit of irritating news. Without getting TOO into it...and some of you know....but we are having a few issues where we rent. Hunter has been suffering recently with asthma. After finding a bunch of mold in the house I am ASSUMING that is what is causing her asthma. I have asked for the mold to be taken care of and the air ducts to be cleaned before winter. I was answered with a NO and if we are not happy we can move out....without breaking our lease. what? We are trying to figure out the best option for us at this we spend our own money to fix the issues on a house that is not ours? Do we find a new place to rent...which is hard at this time in a college town...and who knows what conditions we would get with a new landlord. Or do we buy? So all these decisions add stress to an already rough week.
But this is all LIFE right? Everyone has upsetting things happen...everybody has "off" weeks...everybody misses reading their bible sometimes (I hope)....right? I know God will help us through all these things (even if I missed a day reading the bible..I hope)! I know with this house situation it is in God's hands. Allan and I both are following what we feel God is leading us toward and so far the doors are opening....but we are staying aware that at any time a door can be closed! That is what following God is right? Our schooling is in God's hands. I have seen AMAZING things the past few weeks with my girls and their dyslexia....I have seen light bulbs go off, I have seen struggles...I have been discouraged that it is going to take longer than I expected....but they are learning, and they are moving forward and that is what it is all about right?
So even though it has been an "off" week and we have had some "rough" has been an AWESOME week! I have seen God move in so many different ways this week...and the week is not over yet ;-) And even if God closes a door...He will take care of us!
PS....I got my clay yesterday....SUPER excited!
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About Me

- Diana Onderick
- I am a daughter of The Most High, wife, and homeschooling mom.